Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Great health and fitness read...

So I have really been trying to get into a good routine of eating properly and trying to exercise...I want to make it a lifestyle and not just go on diets...I really dont believe in diet pills or those '1 day lose 20 pounds diets'...I mean if they worked wouldn't we all look like Megan Fox? I have been doing better at the eating properly than with the exercise but I still have been doing a little bit here and there...I bought some Pilates videos and have done them a couple times and I LOVE them!...It just makes you feel so good and works all your muscles at the same for my eating habits I picked up a great book (pictured above). It's by Louis J. Aronne and it is really well written and easy to understand. He really breaks down the science of food in an easy way and even makes it funny along the way! He provides you with eating tips for life that work! There are even food suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and your drinks. With plenty of yummy recipes that cut the calories and not the taste, I really recommend this book! Because I tend to sleep in in the mornings I have been making myself protein shakes and following the tips for lunch and dinner and I have already lost a couple pounds and don't feel as tired and have less mood swings!

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